Sunday 20 November 2011

Post Questionnaire Graphs

Once my partner had produced and given out the post questionnaire form to a selected group some of whom met our target audience criteria and some who didn’t, I had the role of collecting and converting the results. As there were a significant number of feedback forms I decided that the best way to do this would be to create simple graphs to show our results. The programme I used to do this was excel as graphs can easily be formed using a simple spread sheet. As I was familiar with this programme already I was able to create these graphs within a short amount of time. Below shows a print screen of how I did it.

The first graph shown below shows the results of the question ‘are you male or female?’ as you can see the results are 50/50. Some may find that this question is not very important however it is quite the contrary. This in fact is a vital question as we are trying to gain to feedback from our target audience which are both males and females therefore an equal amount of feedback from each is important. We also felt that perhaps individuals from each gender may be able to provide relevant feedback that will be constructive and help us to improve that we may not have been given if for example we had only surveyed females.

Below the results from the second question are shown in the form of a pie chart. The question asked was ‘how old are you?’ as we can see the majority of the people asked were within the ages of 12 and 15. It also shows that three percent where above the age of 23. This demonstrates that we surveyed a variety of people ranging for 12 onwards. However our main focus was in fact to looking at those within the blue and red categories as these are our main target group for our film due to the fact that our age rating is 15.

The third question asked was ‘what did you find most professional about our film?’ his was a very interesting question to look at the results for as we were able to see not only where we could have improved but also what we did well and how the audience felt about our piece. We can clearly see that in fact a large amount of those surveyed felt that the camera aspect of our piece is what made it look most professional. Second to this with 6 votes was the music. This was not a surprise to us as when constructing our film we found from feedback that the Main changed that we had to make were related to sound. Sound is a key feature in the film and we have learnt how much of an impact it really has on the production as a whole and that audience. However the aspect of our film that got the least amount of votes for professionalism was the acting ability. We feel that our production has depth and good acting quality and feel that we agree with the pole as the acting ability is not in fact influenced by our editing ability.

The fourth question that we had asked was ‘on a scale of 1 – 10 with one being the least how scary do you think our film was?’ This in fact was one of the most important questions we had asked as we did have some reservations on whether or not it was suited to the specific age rating. However we were pleasantly surprised with our feedback for this question. Three rated our film as 10/10 for scariness and only the majority of votes were placed at number 6 on the scale. We feel that the music and sound affects played the biggest role in the area. Without the music we feel that our film would in fact not meet this high on the scale and that it has helped us to create the atmosphere we originally wanted when making this psychological horror.

The final question asked was ‘do you feel that the genre of our piece is clear?’ This is the upmost important question as it was vital to meet the codes and conventions of our genre. With 26 out of the possible 30 voting yes we are confident that we did in fact meet our conventions. However out of those remaining 4 who voted no when asked to explain why they disagreed they gave the following statements. ‘I understood that the spirit creature shown was to be dead however I was not sure if the generally production was in fact a sci-fi or not.’ Another statement made stated that ‘It was hard to determine whether or not the film was in fact a horror or psychological thriller.’ We have taken these comments on board and understand where the audience are coming from and feel that we could have made this clearer with better use of costume and make up to establish that the demon was in fact the girl featured at the beginning who has died all those years ago.

In conclusion we are grateful for the audience feedback and appreciate their time. Generally we are happy with all comments made and understand where we could have made adjustments to improve our film. We feel that we have learnt a lot from this project and wouldn’t not have been able to achieve such a piece, if it weren’t for the audience feedback. As after all they are target audience and we are constructing our product to meet their needs.