Wednesday 23 November 2011

Editors Journal

Editing Date: October 22nd 2011
Place: Editing suite
Time started: 3:10
What did I do: Logged and captured all the film onto Final Cut Pro and sorted them into categorised bins.
Problems encountered: No problems encountered
Time completed: 5:15

Editing Date: October 23rd 2011
Place: Editing suite
Time started: 3:30
What did I do: I started editing all the shots and putting them on the timeline in chronological order. Using trial and error I looked at what shots fitted and what didn’t. This took quite a lot of time, I wanted to make sure everything fitted perfectly and wanted to experiment with different shots and transitions.
Problems encountered: Because I was new to the software the shots I had put on the timeline kept moving around as I didn’t know how to lock them. Also shots kept over lapping and so the edited shot I had put on were shortened.
How I resolved the problems: I went on Youtube and looked at tutorials on how to use Final Cut Pro and found out how to lock the shots on the timeline. I also found out how to ‘Edit Undo’ so that I could get back to the original timeline without any problems.
Time Completed: 6:35

Editing Date: October 24th 2011
Place: Editing suite
Time Started: 3:30
What did I do: I continued placing shots onto the timeline. As I became more experienced I was able to work faster and get more done. Everything was placed on the timeline and it played smoothly. I started turning up the sound in each scene as some of what the characters was saying wasn’t very clear. I also turned down some of the sound as there was talking from the director and camera person in it. You could also hear the moving of the camera.
Problems encountered: Some of the sound wasn’t able to be turned down completely and there seemed to be shots that went from silent to having some background noise. I had to come up wit ha way to make it seem like there was no noise at all.
How I resolved the problem: I looked on YouTube again to find possible solution to the problem. I found a way to mute the whole shot which was good because we could then add ambient sound on top to make the scene to work a lot better.
Time Completed: 5:40

Editing Date: October 25th 2011
Place: Editing Suite
Time Started: 3:10
What did I do: I made sure all scenes were in place and made sure all the sound was perfect so we could add ambient sound and add sound effects at appropriate times. The Sound Person and me looked at lots of different sounds and tried them in lots of different places. It took a while to get the correct sound for the bang but after many attempts we found the right one. We then had to work hard to get them in sync with the acting and make sure they faded in and out correctly. We also had to make sure that all the sound didn’t exceed the sound limit.
Problems encountered: The only problems we had were that some of the sounds didn’t download properly so we had to re download them. Also some sounds had to be cut down into the size that was needed for each shot and cutting them was slightly difficult. We had to make sure that it didn’t cut out any important bits.
How I resolved the problem: We worked cautiously around the sound and if things couldn’t be cut accurately we downloaded a different piece of music that also fitted correctly.
Time Completed: 7:15

Editing Date: October 276h 2011
Place: Editing Suite
Time started: 4:00
What did I do: Today we completed all the sound and made sure it ran smoothly. I then went on to creating filters for the film. We wanted it to look like it was the early hours of the morning so we had to make it dark. Using Colour Corrector 3 way I created a dark blue filter. This took a lot of time, as I had never used this software before. I played around with the contrasts and finally made a colour that looked like early morning.
Problems encountered: Because the Camera person filmed during the day it was very hard to get the filter to look dark but make sure everything was visible in each scene.
How I resolved the problem: Using trial and error we tweaked each filter until it looked the same throughout.
Time Completed: 7:15

Edit Date: October 27th 2011
Place: Editing Suite
Time started: 3:10
What did I do: Today I looked over all the film and made sure sound, filters and all the shots were in chronological order. I made sure everything was perfect. I then set about adding title sequences and end credits. Katy Kennedy Created them and I placed them on the timeline adding transitions and sound to them. This took a while because I had to wait for the credits to be made and then decide what transitions worked best with each bit. Also having to choose music for the beginning.
Problems encountered: The only problems we had were trying to get the resolution on the credits to look good. Because they were made on Photoshop, when they were transferred over they became blurry
How I resolved the problem: To resolve the problem we increased the resolution of both the film and the credits this made it less blurry but it still wasn’t clear enough so Katy re typed the credits in a clearer font and they looked much better.
Time completed: 7:15

Edit Date: October 28th 2011
Place: Editing Suite
Time Started: 3:20
What did I do: I checked every part of the film adding the final touches and making sure everything was in place. It then came to putting the final draft on YouTube and putting it on a DVD. I had to export it to QuickTime and then upload it to YouTube, which didn’t take too long. I then had to Use iDVD and create a sequence for the beginning of the film. This meant creating a play button. I also added a few snippets of the film and some scary music. Once this was done I burnt it to 3 discs so there were 3 copies, 1 for each member of the group.
Problems Encountered: When exporting the video to QuickTime it often took a very long time and when it did finally export the film was blurry so again we had to change the resolution. We ended up using Apple Pro Res, which then increased the quality. We then had to Re Burn the discs and upload a new version to YouTube.
Time Completed: 6:45