Wednesday 23 November 2011

Sound Journal

As I was also sound editor as well as camera person it was my job to find and convert sounds to use within our production. With sound there are two types these are DIEGETIC and NON-DIEGETIC. Sound thats source i visible on screen or made my action within the film is known as diegetic or sometimes 'actual sound'. examples of this are:

- Voices of characters
- Sounds made by objects in the story
- Music from instruments within the story

Non-diegetic sound is made for the audience and is not visible on screen and has not been suggested to have been made by anything within the film. Examples of these may be:

- Narrators commentary
- Mood Music
- Sound effects added for dramatic effect

Above shows a snap shot where we can see an online software programme called this was where I gathered most of my sound effects came from. This site was really easy to used and enabled me to find sounds that met my genre. i was easily able to download the sounds i found most suitable to my personal itunes account as seen below.

The next stage was the hardest in terms of sound. Now that I had all of my sounds and music gathered I had to use final cut pro to download my music onto so that I would be able to put it onto what is called the timeline alongside our footage. However this was not always as simple as that. I also had to use soundtrack pro to to edit my sounds as some of the ones download were suitable for my film however were too long. for example with our main soundtrack used at both the beginning and end of our production up until 1:48 it was fine but the track then begin to change pace and tone and was not suitable for our horror genre. I therefore had to cut the track to finish at 1.48.

Here shows how I was able to cut and fade out sounds. In this particular case I needed a scream , however the one I had downloaded was too long i there for used this feature on final cut pro to pin point the individual points of sound in order to cut the specific part of the sound that I wanted to use.