Tuesday 4 October 2011

Pre-Questionnaire Graphs

Once my partner had produced and given out the pre questionnaire form to a selected group some of whom met our target audience criteria and some who didn’t, I had the role of collecting and converting the results. As there were a significant number of feedback forms I decided that the best way to do this would be to create simple graphs to show our results. The programme I used to do this was excel as graphs can easily be formed using a simple spread sheet. As I was familiar with this programme already I was able to create these graphs within a short amount of time.

The first graph shown below shows the results of the question ‘are you male or female?’ as you can see the results are 50/50. Some may find that this question is not very important however it is quite the contrary. This in fact is a vital question as we are trying to gain to feedback from our target audience which are both males and females therefore an equal amount of feedback from each is important. We also felt that perhaps individuals from each gender may be able to provide relevant feedback that will be constructive and help us to create a peice that really does meet our targets needs.

Below the results from the second question are shown in the form of a bar graph. The question asked was ‘how old are you?’ as we can see the majority of the people asked were within the ages of 12 and 15. It also shows that 2 people asked where above the age of 23. This demonstrates that we surveyed a variety of people ranging for 12 onwards. However our main focus was in fact to looking at those within the blue and red categories as these are our main target group for our film due to the fact that our age rating is 15.

Below shows the results of the question ‘what is your favourite genre?’ This question was very important as although not the deciding factor it will have a big influence over what genre we do decided to pick for our main production. As we can see the majority with 33% voted for horror the least favourite Musicals with only a small three present of the vote. After many brain storms we had decided that our genre would be either horror, thriller or adventure. However after collecting in our feedback forms it was easy for us to make the decision and we went for horror.

Below shows the results of the question ‘how often do you watch films?’ The reason that we used this question within our survey was to gain a better understanding of the audience’s traits. As we can see a strong 11 people voted saying that they watched films at least one a week. This came as a surprise to use as we estimated that the most popular pole answer would be once a month. This tells us that films are very popular amongst both teenagers and adults. Showing that the film industry is very competitive and we therefore need to ensure we meet all conventions to make our film the best it can be. After all it seems that between our surveyed audience they watch many films on a regular basis making it essentially for us to create something new and fresh.

Below we can see the results for the final question that we asked. The question was ‘Which part of the film do you find least interesting?’ we included this question within our survey as we were interested in what the audience found leats exciting about a film. We wanted to ensure that we took the lowest sector voted and made it more interesting to provide the best for our target audience. As shown in the graph below we can see that 23 out of 30 voted saying that the credits were what they found least interesting within a film.