Monday 24 October 2011

weekly Update - week 4

This week we took pictures for our ancillary tasks (Poster and Film Review.) We also did some research on the 180 Degree rule, this would help us whilst filming. We came up with a name for our production team and created a logo that would accompany our film and be present on any Facebook group or Twitter page. This would help people identify which group we are in as there are 2 other media groups that also made a film. We came up with a list of Software that we used to create and edit our film and posted it to the group blog.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Cast & Crew Final Draft

Cast and Crew

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Weekly Updates - Week 3

This week we created some ideas for the film and then created a script. We changed a few things to make sure the story line flowed and was in order. This created a second draft of the script. We then looked for possible cast members. We chose drama students because they were reliable and we had seen them act before. we then decided who was director, camera person and editor. After choosing our actors we realized one of the actors needed changing so we changed her to our director as she did drama as well and was always available the same time as us.

Shooting Script

Monday 10 October 2011

Swot Analysis


Actor Release Form 3

Acor Release Form - Helena Morias

Actor Release Form 2

Actor Release Form - Natalya Martin

Script Final Draft

House 42

Character Profile

Script Second Draft

House 47

Actor Release Form 1

Actor Release Form - Hannah Molloy-Herat

Location Release Form

Before we were able to go ahead and film I had the job of getting permission to use the location we had chosen. The simplest and most professional way of doing so is in the format of a letter. Below is the letter that I have created to give to the owner of the house where we plan to shoot our film.

Letter of Permission

Saturday 8 October 2011

Cast & Crew First Draft


Equipment List

Below is a list of equipment that we used during our planning and research, construction and post production stages of our project. The first two images show the Sony Z1 camera that we used for the first time along with the Z1 tripod.

Prop Notes

Within our production we will not need to use many major props but we still need a couple to enhance the narrative.

Walking Stick:
This is a walking stick made out of ash tree.
One of the girls will be using this prop, picking it up as a weapon to defend herself on hearing a noise within the corridor.

Remote contol:
This is one of the main props that will help bring the story together. One of the girls will find this laying on the floor in the corridor, and is startled as she doesnt know how it had got there.

Mobile Phone:

It does not have to be this specific phone, but one will be used when the other gilr goes upstairs to retrieve it, leaving her friend on her own.

Friday 7 October 2011

Call Sheet

Call Sheet

Costume & Prop Notes

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Pre-Questionnaire Graphs

Once my partner had produced and given out the pre questionnaire form to a selected group some of whom met our target audience criteria and some who didn’t, I had the role of collecting and converting the results. As there were a significant number of feedback forms I decided that the best way to do this would be to create simple graphs to show our results. The programme I used to do this was excel as graphs can easily be formed using a simple spread sheet. As I was familiar with this programme already I was able to create these graphs within a short amount of time.

The first graph shown below shows the results of the question ‘are you male or female?’ as you can see the results are 50/50. Some may find that this question is not very important however it is quite the contrary. This in fact is a vital question as we are trying to gain to feedback from our target audience which are both males and females therefore an equal amount of feedback from each is important. We also felt that perhaps individuals from each gender may be able to provide relevant feedback that will be constructive and help us to create a peice that really does meet our targets needs.

Below the results from the second question are shown in the form of a bar graph. The question asked was ‘how old are you?’ as we can see the majority of the people asked were within the ages of 12 and 15. It also shows that 2 people asked where above the age of 23. This demonstrates that we surveyed a variety of people ranging for 12 onwards. However our main focus was in fact to looking at those within the blue and red categories as these are our main target group for our film due to the fact that our age rating is 15.

Below shows the results of the question ‘what is your favourite genre?’ This question was very important as although not the deciding factor it will have a big influence over what genre we do decided to pick for our main production. As we can see the majority with 33% voted for horror the least favourite Musicals with only a small three present of the vote. After many brain storms we had decided that our genre would be either horror, thriller or adventure. However after collecting in our feedback forms it was easy for us to make the decision and we went for horror.

Below shows the results of the question ‘how often do you watch films?’ The reason that we used this question within our survey was to gain a better understanding of the audience’s traits. As we can see a strong 11 people voted saying that they watched films at least one a week. This came as a surprise to use as we estimated that the most popular pole answer would be once a month. This tells us that films are very popular amongst both teenagers and adults. Showing that the film industry is very competitive and we therefore need to ensure we meet all conventions to make our film the best it can be. After all it seems that between our surveyed audience they watch many films on a regular basis making it essentially for us to create something new and fresh.

Below we can see the results for the final question that we asked. The question was ‘Which part of the film do you find least interesting?’ we included this question within our survey as we were interested in what the audience found leats exciting about a film. We wanted to ensure that we took the lowest sector voted and made it more interesting to provide the best for our target audience. As shown in the graph below we can see that 23 out of 30 voted saying that the credits were what they found least interesting within a film.

Monday 3 October 2011

Script First Draft

House 47

Cast Notes

Pre Questionnaire

The Uses and Gratifications Theory

Uses and gratification is a theory formed by both Blumer and Katz the theory suggests audiences search for specific genre film or texts to suit their personal needs. The theory assumes that audiences are not influenced in the media they consume, but actually have a very active role in deciding what they consume, alongside this the theory suggest they also chose how to interpret the information themselves. According to this theory there are four basic needs. They are the following:

• Personal Relationships – Where media is used to fulfil their need for companionship and form relationships with others.

• Surveillance – Use media to find out information and events or current affairs that are going on around us, for example newspapers or the news.

• Diversion – Where the audience use media as an escape from everyday life and problems they have in order to relax.

• Personal Identity – Where the media is used by the audience to find out about themselves, where some characters can be related with.

Within our production we will allow our target audience to follow diversion and escape from their everyday troubles to be engaged with our film. This is because we aim to capture their attention as they follow our production.

Target Audience Research

Sunday 2 October 2011

Narative Theory: Todorov and Propp

Todorov and Propp

This sort of structure can be related to manycontemporary popular films and to an extent can also be related to our own.

In relation to our own film, the state of equilibrium will be the two girls who are asleep within the bed. When Natalya hears the banging noise and then Hannah begins to hear it this would be considered as the second stage of equilibrium, a disruption within the film by the action. When they both decide to go and search for what this noise may be this represents the two characters recognising that there has been a disruption in equilibrium. By the two girls going on search for what the noise may be and Natalya going upstairs to retrieve her phone this highlights the two girls trying to solve the disruption that has occured. The last stage would be a reinstatement of the equilibrium but this is not shown within teh film as it end on a cliff hanger and only shows the two girls being taken.

Idea For Location