Tuesday 20 December 2011

Analysing Credit Sequence

This week I created the edits for our short film. The first step I made was to jot down all of the key rules within the production of our film for example 'creative director' Once I had all of these titles I was able to type them up onto photoshop and test out some different layouts.

Once I had picked one I was happy with I saved the document as both a JPEG and PSD file. The next stage was for me to add these onto my film using the final cut pro software.

Camera Journal

As the camera man I had the role of making sure all the footage was suitable. I also had to ensure i got the required shots and angles in order to gain the maximum marks possible. As I had never had this role within a production before it was vital that prior to filming my production I carried out my own private research into the camera and best ways to film. This allowed me to familiarise myself with the different shots and angles and decide which would be best to use. I had to also try and understand the rules to recording a film for example i had to make sure i did not break the 180 degree rule.

When we started to film my job was to insure that the camera was kept in good condition and safe so we could capture all the footage that we had to record. I didn’t find keeping the camera safe a problem because I ensured all those involved in the filming were trust worthy and responsible. I on the other hand found the filming itself difficult hard because this skill isn’t something you can perfect in a day but it takes time and practise. Cause of my job u had to be in constant contact with my director. This was the director was in lead of the production, there word was final and I had to listen to it. I and the director had to work together to make sure it was what she wanted and up to standard. If I could do this role of camera man I would do a better job because this is all a learning process. I have learnt gained a lot of knowledge on what is right and wrong. I would put these skills into practise straight away next time and hopefully gain some more too.

I tried my best to produce a good quality of film for my group production. i do feel however that there were places I could have improved for example my organisation skills. Better organisation would have made everything much easier cause I would know what exactly I would need to be doing. But In conclusion I think that I have done well and that the end result is good. I have learnt a lot from being camera man for the first time and now feel confident that I can film a short piece.